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Stories of Hope

“These powerful stories come from brave individuals who have faced breast cancer head-on. Their journeys of courage, determination, and recovery inspire hope for all.”

Punita Chopra

Age: 48 Years
Location: Jodhpur, Rajasthan

Durga Gopal

Age: 72 Years
Location: Delhi

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“Six months ago, through a self-exam, I found lump and was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent my operation. My doctor also urged women to self-exam for breast cancer.”

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“I was devasted on learning about my breast cancer and as I survived stage IV cancer, I tell my fellow survivors to fight the disease with determination and spirit, as it is curable in most cases.”

Mili Baruah

Location: Bengaluru

Durga Gopal

Age: 72 Years
Location: Delhi

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“Cancer is not a death sentence, in case you are diagnosed with cancer, do not be scared, just be aware and avail the right treatment. After the treatment, lead a healthy lifestyle.”

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“I was devasted on learning about my breast cancer and as I survived stage IV cancer, I tell my fellow survivors to fight the disease with determination and spirit, as it is curable in most cases.”

Dr. Nehal Sharma

Age: 45 Years
Location: Max Hospital, New Delhi

“Understanding the role of precision medicine in breast cancer treatment. Understanding the role of precision medicine in breast cancer treatment.”

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Dr. Nehal Sharma

Age: 45 Years
Location: Max Hospital, New Delhi

“Understanding the role of precision medicine in breast cancer treatment. Understanding the role of precision medicine in breast cancer treatment.”

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Durga Gopal

Age: 72 Years
Location: Delhi

“I was devasted on learning about my breast cancer and as I survived stage IV cancer, I tell my fellow survivors to fight the disease with determination and spirit, as it is curable in most cases.”

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Mili Baruah

Age: 44 Years
Location: Bengaluru

“Cancer is not a death sentence, in case you are diagnosed with cancer, do not be scared, just be aware and avail the right treatment. After the treatment, lead a healthy lifestyle.”

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A collection of powerful narratives from survivors who have bravely navigated the challenges of breast cancer. Through their experiences and insights, they share valuable lessons on resilience, strength, and overcoming adversity.